Front Row, L-R : Ira, Edward, William, John, Earl, James, Wilford, Osker, Rual, Stanley, Willie, Vern,
Clarence. 2nd Row: Hellen, unlabeled girls section, boys on back row right: Opel, Tres.....
List on Back of postcard (spelled as is; some letters missing because of glue; there is no punctuation or indication of rows): Clarence Barber, Vern Canlwell, Willie Trosh___, Stanley Cl___, Rual Ricks, Osker Westeberg, Wilford Eckersell, James Hayes, Carl Woodmansee, John Loat, William Klinger, Edward Flamm, Ira Spolding, Freemont Brown, Orval Bills } LaVon Oviat, Alice Miller } Cleo Nickols, Lauella Huskinson, Vernal Layman, Alma Duffin } Mrytle Westover, [names run horizontally] Golden Gold, Hellen Brown, Ellen Midawa, Ada Thompson, Amelia DeMont, Mrytle Cahoon.
A little archive work could probably label all the kids. I wonder what the Rexburg Historical Society has on file?
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